MAY I bring your attention to the three issues currently of concern to Bridport residents, as they appear to be gaining pace with hardly a thumbs up from the community at large?

Parking meters: A cash raid with little or no consideration to the financial impact to traders, shopkeepers, businesses, or the residents wishes.

East street toilets: To be auctioned off by WDDC, possibly for housing and a loss of much needed parking. Could the toilets be passed to Bridport Town Council to maintain? Should the WDDC profit by selling off Bridport’s facilities?

Vearse Farm: 760 houses on good farm land part of which is on a flood plain. What would be the impact of about 2,300 people, their cars, a school and the inevitable school run on the West Road and the A35? Have the employment prospects been considered in this area? If we are to build houses in Bridport are there brown field and infill sites available, spreading the impact and without resorting to another Poundbury adjacent to our popular market town?

Whatever your point of view over Bridport’s issues, surely a short letter to the town council stating your opinions is not too much to ask. (Mountfield DT6 3JP). They do need your support.

Gerry Boulter Bridport