I WAS flabbergasted to read in the Lyme Regis news the comments of our mayor suggesting that we stop tourists entering the town when it is busy.

As we all know our town is very much dependent on tourists. It is the income from these tourists that is the basis of our economy.

Given this, surely we should be developing the facilities such as parking to cope with our influxes. If we were to start turning people away they may never come back.

A family once turned away would probably never consider coming here again.

From my point of view I enjoy seeing Lyme Regis full and bustling, no matter if it takes just a little longer to walk along the front. It is all part of the charm of our town.

I hope our mayor on reflection will come to her senses and metaphorically put up the sign ‘all are welcome’.

Allan Kissack Somers Road Lyme Regis