WE are glad that Monitor has highlighted Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust staffing inadequacies, as we predicted them and have been concerned about these ever since the changes in mental health services on April 23.

In addition to staffing levels on the wards we are also concerned about staffing levels in the community, mental health teams and the crisis response home treatment teams, particularly through the night and hope that these will be addressed.

We have been repeatedly told that no step up/step down in-patient facility such as the Hughes Unit or Stewart lodge will be needed under the new care system.

Step up/step down, means in-patient beds for those who are not so acutely ill as to require sectioning and treating in acute hospitals such as Forston where they are detained under section.

They are for patients who are not well enough to return home and require a place of sanctuary near and with access to their own home while they continue treatment and are prepared for a return to their own home.

However, we learnt at the Dorset County Council health scrutiny committee that the terms of reference for admission to the Weymouth Respite House have been changed to allow, in effect, for a step up and down facility and its occupancy has changed from 36 per cent to approach 100 per cent. Clearly there is a need for step up/step down.

There will be a HUGS meeting at the Bridport Youth Centre on Monday the October 14 at 3.30pm for service users and carers. During the meeting the HUGS annual general meeting will be held.

Simon Williams Chairman of HUGS Bridport