Thursday, August 22 saw traffic backed up for, so they say, five miles in all directions, from Bridport, caused by traffic going into the Melplash Show using the entrance at Broomhills.

This entrance is the one with proposals for the waste transfer site, with exits controlled by traffic lights. Thursday was a good indication of what chaos could occur should this happen.

On Friday, August 23, once again the Crown roundabout was gridlocked in all directions due to Friday holiday traffic, heaven forbid had traffic lights been in operation.

On Saturday, August 24, West Bay was gridlocked at midday, with traffic backed up from The Crown to Haddon House and in the other direction to the West Bay Hotel.

From the pinch point the traffic stopped just short of George Street going towards the harbour.

At the Crown, traffic was slow moving with a traffic jam going into Bridport while the east bound traffic piled up to the Eype turn-off.

Three days where traffic conditions showed that plans in the pipeline and those carried out need attention. Three days when had there been an emergency the vehicles would not have been able to get through. This was three days when council observers would have seen it first hand, if they were around.

Chris Cherry

West Walk

West Bay