Some 500-600 years ago during the reign of King Henry VIII our ancestors experienced the Dissolution of the Monasteries.

Now we in this day and age are experiencing the decimation of the lavatories by West Dorset District Council.

We once had two toilet blocks which collectively housed around 12 cubicles and now we are left with a unit which has only four.

This so-called modern new toilet block is basic in the extreme.

It provides one gentleman’s urinal without a toilet and four separate cubicles, one for the disabled, one for ladies and two marked unisex.

So if any one person, be they male or female, comes along requiring the use of either and find them occupied they would have to wait, whereas the old town hall toilets provided far more cubicles, not forgetting one could wait in the dry should it be a wet day.

At the South Street toilet one has to wait in the rain.

Another point not to be overlooked, lots of ladies do not like to go into a toilet straight behind a man, especially if he has left the seat up.

The total lack of facilities at this South Street building must surely call for the reopening of the toilets in East Street car park which should never have been closed.

To build homes on this site would eradicate many car parking spaces, something we shall really need if the on-street parking meters are forced upon us.

This alone would be a real nail in the coffin for town.

Maybe we should stage a Middle East-style uprising against West Dorset District Council.

John Morey Hillview Bridport