BRIDPORT Bowls Indoor Club have crowned their summer champion.

Jackie Godfrey is the clubs new summer club champion after a fantastic show of drawing power giving her a 21-11 win over Mike Fletcher.  

Andy Marsh picked up the Singles League Trophy winning a last set shoot out 2-0 against Phil Godfrey.  

Adrian Legg and Huw Rees won the Australian Pairs, again on a last set shoot out two one, over David Ramsden and Paul Fletcher.  Phil Godfrey and Ann Turtell won the Drawn Pairs 18-15 over Rees and Andy Spiller.

The club has also received some fantastic news from the English Bowls Association that their application to be recognised as a permanent Four Rink has been granted.  

President Brian Baker said: "This is the news we have been waiting for and we can now push on with our recruitment drive."

Anyone wishing to try the sport will be made very welcome this weekend Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October from 9.30am to 5.30pm each day.  

All equipment is provided at the club's St. Andrews Industrial Estate venue.  

If you are unable to make these dates please contact Phil on 01308 334048 or Brian on 01308 425247 to fix a date to suit you.