FORMER Bridport management duo John Godbold and Rob Marquis have taken the Balti Sports job after long-serving boss Marco Nott stepped down.

Nott last week opted to end a remarkable tenure that began in 2006, with assistant Chris Hicks also relinquishing touchline duties.

Godbold and Marquis were manager and assistant respectively at Bridport in 2020.

Nott has been associated with Balti since it was known as The Excise House, securing title sponsorship from The Balti House to keep the team afloat.

READ MORE: What happened in Marco Nott's final Balti Sports game in charge?

Promotion to the Dorset Premier League forced a name change to Balti Sports in 2015.

And the club has been largely since run by Nott, who fulfils the secretary role and a multitude of time-consuming matchday tasks on his own, including washing the kit.

Speaking to the Bridport News, Nott explained his reasoning for stepping down as boss, one year after a radical overhaul of players and coaching staff.

He said: “I did have the bit between my teeth and I thought I’d try and drive it again.

“But we had a non-fulfilment of a fixture, which was embarrassing, and the Holt game (7-0 loss) was a big one for me, last game of the season.

“You’re in the dugout on your own and you just can’t wait for the game to go by.

“Win, lose or draw I just wanted the game over. I should not be in the dugout feeling that way."

Of Godbold and Marquis, Nott added: “It was time to let someone else come in with more enthusiasm. A fresh face and a change of style will improve the club.

"It’s a massive weight off my shoulders. It’s a win-win all-round.

“I was completely done with coaching. There wasn’t an ounce of me that wanted to do it.

“I just thought (Godbold) has a good resume, the ex-professional and he wants to get young players in.

“If it doesn’t come off, what’s the worst-case scenario? I come back in and see it out, then assess it again next season.

“He wants to come in and prove a point. I’m all for it. If it pays off, it will be a really good move for the future.”

Nott also has previous dealings with Godbold, who helped the goalkeeper with PE coaching at Royal Manor on Portland.