MEMBERS of Bridport’s 50+ Forum will be monitoring the closure of parts of Langdon Ward during the summer.

To save money the NHS says because of decreased demand in the holiday season it makes sense not to use some of the bays in the elderly care ward at the Bridport Hospital.

A spokesman for Dorset Community Healthcare Services said: “Each year, during the summer months, there is decreased demand on Langdon Ward.

“In order to make the most effective use NHS resources, some bays may remain unused for a short period of time if they are not needed.”

Life president of the forum Margaret Harrington, 81, said it was part of the organisation’s job to monitor health issues in the town and bring any problems to the attention of the relevant authorities.

She said: “If there was a problem with the ward bay closures we would try and help them sort it out.

“It hasn’t caused any grief that I know of.

“I did know there was a suggestion that it was going to happen.

“They have to save money and I think it is better to look after a fewer number and do them well than do a larger number and not do them well.

“I have seen that happen where every bed is taken and there are not enough staff to cope with them.”

Mrs Harrington said it was also important to maintain the minor injuries ward; which is undergoing a review of its opening hours.

She said: “They only get a certain amount of money and it isn’t enough. It is more important to keep the Minor Injuries Unit open.

“That is very well used and the other day they were so short of staff it caused all sorts of problems.

“Even the matron at the hospital has been working there to try and keep it going.

“She drafts herself in rather than shut it but if she is not well that doesn't happen either.”

The Bridport Area 50+ Forum has at least 400 members. It started in 2000 as the Older People’s Forum and takes an interest in health, transport and learning opportunities for the older population.

Although it doesn’t call itself a pressure group its recommendations and feedback are taken note of, said Mrs Harrington.

She added: “We have quite a lot of clout, especially with the councils.

“Coun Sandra Brown once said if you get a letter from the Bridport people sit up and take notice, which was great.”