Here is a list of the local candidates standing in the Bridport Town Council elections on May 5.

Bridport North nine seats

Barry Bates (Lab)

I am married and have lived in Bridport for 11 years. I am a keen musician involved in the local music scene. I serve on the arts centre management committee and I am a member of the Allotments Society and tennis club. As a former principal of an academy school am passionate about public services and concerned for the future of social services in the town, and the lack of facilities for young people.

Philip Colfox (Lib Dem)

As West Dorset District Council Lauren Glover (Lib Dem) At 22 years old, Lauren Glover is the youngest candidate. She has a music degree and is a vocal coach. She is setting up a youth music project locally for teenagers. Lauren is already dealing with local issues, starting a petition to repair St Swithins Road in response to residents’ requests. Lauren says: “I want to bring a younger viewpoint to the Town Council and keep Bridport as a bubbling, vibrant place celebrating music and the arts.”

Keith Hansford

KEITH Hansford is married and lives in Bridport. The 60-year-old is a truly local person who was born in Bridport and spent most of his working life in the town. In the past he has been the Dorset representative of the chairman of West Dorset UK Independent Party and also a member of the Tax Payers’ Alliance. His concerns are many from the lack of affordable housing to the state of the roads. Also, the care of the elderly and lack of support for our youth.

Ros Kayes (LIB DEM)

As West Dorset District Council

Philip Lathey (Con)

Phil works as an advanced ambulance technician for the South Western Ambulance NHS Trust, and as an outreach worker at Bridport Youth Centre. He is a volunteer with the local St John Ambulance group and the district scouts. As the main force behind the new Dibdin View, he is delighted about its imminent completion. Phil has been a local councillor since 1986. and hopes you will re-elect him so he can continue working hard for you.

Gill Massey (Lib Dem)

Gill Massey has worked as a librarian and in a bookshop. A love of gardening led her to become involved in the award-winning Bridport Community Orchard, which is run by volunteers with help from the town council. Gill is one of the founding committee members and has a special interest in wildlife. Gill has lived in Bridport for many years and says: “I will work to promote Bridport’s lively individuality and its strong sense of community”.

Julian May (Con)

Julian is 34 years old and has lived in Bridport with his wife and two children for over 10 years. Julian started his own IT business. He was previously in the armed forces serving in Bosnia and Northern Ireland. He plays and coaches hockey. Julian would like to bridge the gap between the council and the young people. He has cared for a disabled child and understands the difficulty in finding the right support.

Frances McKenzie (Con)

As West Dorset District Council

Charles Michell (Lib Dem)

Local craftsman Charlie Michell learned his artisanal skills at Weymouth College. He has been working in and around Bridport for many years, restoring historic building. He wants to see the sensitive development of the South West Quadrant, in particular preserving the artists’ quarter and the vintage market. Charlie says: “I want to help Bridport flourish as a sustainable community, based on organic local produce and providing more jobs for local people.”

Richard Nicholls (Lab)

As West Dorset District Council

Maggie Ray (Lib Dem)

Coun Maggie Ray has fought many campaigns, most recently petitioning to save opening hours at Bridport Hospital and the recycling centre. She is involved in the West Bay Play Area designed by teenagers and available for ‘everyone from 0-99 years’. The next phase will include equipment for disabled teenagers. Maggie believes strongly in consultation. She says: “I want to make democracy accessible to everyone – to bring the council out of the chamber and into the community.”

Martin Ray (Lib Dem)

Former Mayor Coun Martin Ray is the mainstay of the Liberal Democrat Focus Team. He says: “We have a very strong team of candidates – all active citizens of all ages and backgrounds, working together for the community”. Martin is standing for both district and town councils. He says: “A Lib Dem majority on the District would stop them wasting Bridport’s money on Council offices. It couldn’t happen on the Lib Dem Town council, where policies are democratically debated.”

Janet Tolley (Lib Dem)

Janet has worked in Bridport for Dorset County Council in social services for over 20 years. Her daughters were both educated at local schools. Janet is chairman of governors at St Mary’s and is proud of the school’s achievements in recent years. Janet says: “I want to work with the people of Bridport across all ages. As a town councillor I believe I can share the skills learned over many years to work towards a bright new future.”

Bridport SOUTH nine seats

Geoffrey Ackerman (Lib Dem)

Coun Geoffrey Ackerman was born, bred and raised his family in Bridport and has always been involved in the community. He has represented Bridport as mayor on six occasions, and his vast store of local knowledge is greatly valued on the town council. Coun Ackerman says: “As a local businessman I want to see a prosperous town, and as a family man I strongly support more affordable houses for local families.”

Sandra Brown (Con)

As West Dorset District Council

Jean Bryant (Con)

Jean Bryant has always liked ‘getting things done’ - and hopes that becoming a town councillor will help her continue working for and with the local community. Jean works as a volunteer at Chancery House Day Centre and has recently become a trustee. Another of her voluntary interests is the RSPCA, where she is often found working in the Bridport shop. Having family in the area, Jean is aware of the need for better job opportunities and more affordable housing.

Edward Colfox (Lib Dem)

As West Dorset District Council

Keith Day (Con)

As West Dorset District Council

John Hunt (Lib Dem)

Coun John Hunt is an English language teacher working for the Dorset Adult Education Service. He is currently teaching those classed as ‘NEETS’ – not in employment, education or training. He also helped to set up the Bridport Local Area Skills Training (BLAST) project to help young people into work. John says: “As a teacher I am deeply concerned at threats to the library service, which is important to both young students and the elderly.”

Christopher Lindsay (Lib Dem)

Chris Lindsay lives in Bridport with his wife, Sarah, and family and works as a chef in a well-established bar-café in the town, preparing and serving local produce. Chris says: “I am a strong believer in local democracy – in consulting local people and speaking up on their behalf on issues that are important to them, such as Bridport’s Minor Injuries Unit, local social services and schools.” Chris’s outside interests include live music, football and Prime Minister’s Question Time.

Dave Rickard (Lib Dem)

As West Dorset District Council

Gillian Summers (Con)

As West Dorset District Council

David Tett (Ind)

As West Dorset District Council

Anne-Marie Vincent (Lib Dem)

As West Dorset District Council

Karl Wallace (Lib Dem)

As West Dorset District Council

Martin Warne (Lab)

As West Dorset District Council

Thomas Warne (Lab)

I am 26 years old and have lived for the majority of my life in Bridport. I work part-time for nine years in the National Health Service and am concerned at thought that the NHS could be privatised. I also am a part-time musician and work with primary school children, teaching them to play the drums. I am young and enthusiastic, and want to put that enthusiasm to good use especially in fighting for better youth facilities in the town.

Sarah Williams (Lib Dem)

Coun Sarah Williams is a highly effective chairman of plans, representing the town council at public enquiries and speaking against the flawed proposals for the South West Quadrant. A member of the Museum Trust, she wants to keep Bridport’s culture alive and thriving. As town representative on the Western Area Transport Action Group (WATAG) Sarah speaks up for road safety. She says: “Bridport is a lovely, lively working town – I will do my bit to help keep it that way.”