Work on improving a potholed car park in Bridport has finally got underway. 

Plans have been in the pipeline for well over a year to provide a proper parking surface and drainage system for the Bridport Football Club car park off Skilling Hill Road. 

A planning application from Bridport Town Council was approved by Dorset Council in August of last year.

The town council, which owns the land, had previously stated that the car park had become 'a thorn in motorists' side' as the temporary surface had deteriorated over a period of eight years.

READ: Potholed Bridport FC car park to get major makeover

Car parking charges were increased for the car park in July 2023 to help pay for the improvements. 

The daily charge of £2 was increased to £5, which was also the case, at the town council's other car park Plottinghams, off West Allington.

However, most the funding has come from a £100,000 grant from the government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, awarded by Dorset Council

Bridport FC has now welcomed the news that the work has begun, which will accommodate 100 cars upon completion.

Bridport FC potholed car park Bridport FC potholed car park (Image: Bridport Town Council) The dusty hardcore surface will be replaced with tarmac and a new surface drainage system will help prevent flooding. 

It is expected that the first part of the project on the eastern side of the car park will last for just over two months, and the club has asked that fans try to walk to games, as parking will be limited whilst the work takes place.

READ: Bridport Football Club and Plottingham car park fee increase

A spokesperson for Bridport FC said: "This is great news. The council has started work to improve the football club car park, and we’re excited that soon we’ll have a proper parking surface and drainage in place.

"However, during the construction period, much of the car park will have restricted parking for up to nine weeks.

"This will make things challenging for us, especially as the revenue we share with the council from car park fees will be limited during this time.

Plans for Bridport FC car park off Skilling HIll RoadPlans for Bridport FC car park off Skilling HIll Road (Image: Bridport Town Council) "We’re asking all of you, our loyal fans, to help out by making an effort to walk to the ground where possible and show us that extra support over the coming weeks.

"Your understanding and backing are really appreciated as we navigate this temporary situation. Every bit of support makes a difference."

The surface of the car park will be replaced with bitumen macadam, with edging kerbs all designed so that surface water will be collected and disposed of via the new surface water drainage system, incorporating an oil separator, attenuation and outfall to the adjacent River Brit.

As part of the project, improvements will also be made to the footpath at the south-west corner of the site, which accesses the footway/cyclepath running along Skilling Hill Road. This will include a pedestrian barrier and will allow visitors to walk into Bridport town centre.

Bridport Town Council Clerk Will Austin said: “Work to improve the surface and drainage at the car park began last week.   This is the first phase of works that aim to make this Bridport’s ‘park and stride’ car park, with long stay parking accompanied by an easy walk into the town centre. 

“Later stages will improve the landscaping and complete the remainder of the surfacing on the western side. 

"These will be carried out when further funding is identified.  Phasing the project in this way also helps to reduce parking problems during the works, although we know there will be busy times such as school drop-off and pick up, and match days at Bridport FC, when motorists may need to consider other options.”