LYME Regis is experiencing an increase in applications for up-market new homes and conversions.

An area planning meeting was told there had been a recent uptick in  applications for modern-style homes, often featuring large areas of glazing and timber cladding.

The comments came from Dorset Council planning officer Katrina Trevett as councillors were asked to approve an application for a new home, taking up half of the garden of an existing detached property.

Councillors unanimously agreed the application for the 'splayed design' home overlooking the Bay.  It will be created by sub-dividing a large plot at Highlands, Greenway off the Sidmouth Road.

An area planning committee heard that the Highlands application, which will be almost entirely out of view from any public road or path, has been positioned, low on the site, to take it as far away from neighbouring homes as possible.

Cllr Craig Monks told the committee he was happy to support the proposal which he said appeared to be a good design and had taken neighbours into account.

Lyme Regis town council had objected to the three-bed home telling Dorset councillors: “The town council recommends refusal of the application because the overbearing nature and scale of the proposed design is not in keeping with the character or scale of existing neighbouring properties. The proximity to the neighbouring property and the overbearing nature of the proposed development would result in a loss of residential amenity and an unacceptably adverse impact on the privacy of the neighbouring property.”