Two Bridport students have been awarded bursaries to help fund their university degrees. 

Bridport Literary Festival has announced the winners of this year’s student bursary awards.

They are Esmee Rees and Morgan Staple who are both students at The Sir John Colfox Academy. 

Each student will receive £3,000 a year for three years to help with their studies with Esmee reading law at Cardiff University, and Morgan reading Archaeology and Anthropology at University College, London.

Deirdre Coates, chairman at the festival, said: ‘It was a difficult decision to make. There were some very impressive applicants.

"In drawing up our criteria for selection we try to find young people who need the financial help, who have been involved in out-of-school activities which have helped their local communities, who are seriously interested in their chosen subject, and who, we believe, will do well at university and go on to successful careers and lives."

The bursary scheme was inaugurated last year where it was decided two students were each awarded with £1,000 for each of the three years of their degree course.

This amount was raised to £3,000 per year thanks to the donation of a generous local couple.

READ MORE:  Student winners of Bridport Literary Festival bursary awards

Mrs Coates said that this bursary award provides valuable support to students in a period which can pose financial difficulties. 

She added: "Many of us live contentedly in Bridport with little awareness of how very difficult life is for some of our neighbours.

"We may also not be fully aware of the great financial burden that university students must now bear.

"When I went to university in the 1960s all my tuition fees were paid for by my local authority and many of my peers also received their accommodation and living expenses. Sadly, this is no longer the case.

"It is wonderful that Bridlit was able to set this up. But we must not forget the very generous local couple who donated two thirds of the money for the bursaries."

The bursary scheme will continue in next year's festival, further bursaries after 2025 and beyond will depend on the success of future festivals.

Bridport Literary Festival takes place from November 3 to 9 with an exciting range of talks by speakers from all genres in and around the town.

More information and tickets are available on the festival website: 

Tickets also available from Bridport Tourist Information Centre, in person or by calling 01308 424901.