ROADS in West Bay will be closed while electrical work is carried out.

On Wednesday, October 2, Bridport Arms Road will be shut from 8.30am until 5.30pm.

Also closed during the same hours will be the North Side Basin between its junction with George Street and its junction with the B3157, a distance of approximately 50 metres; the B3157 between its junction with North Side Basin and its junction with George Street, a distance of approximately 130 metres and Station Road between its junction with B3157 and the entrance to Station Yard car park, a distance of approximately 105 metres.

The closure has been requested to allow National Grid to carry out electricity pole changes and re-conductoring. 

The road closures will be publicised through information boards in the area to inform the travelling public of the works; a letter drop to local residents directly affected by the works; and a signposted vehicular diversion route using the local road network.