A MAN repeatedly exposed himself to cleaners at a flat in Bridport, a court heard.

Paul Desborough, 62, appeared in Weymouth Magistrates Court for sentencing having pleaded guilty to two counts of exposure and one count of outraging public decency.

These relate to several incidents between March and May of this year at Desborough's flat in the Allington area where he intentionally exposed his genitals to cleaners and performed a sex act in a public place, magistrates were told.

Christina Norgan, prosecuting, said that Desborough was reported to the police by the housing provider, with staff alerted to him captured on CCTV footage performing a sex act outside a neighbour's flat.

The neighbour did not see Desborough, the court heard.

Ms Norgan said there were 10 to 12 incidents reported by cleaners who saw Desborough standing just inside his open front door, naked from the waist down.

The court heard that on a few occasions, this developed to Desborough touching himself in front of them.

Ms Norgan told the court that the cleaners were left 'uncomfortable, alarmed and distressed' by the ordeal.

She added: "It was done in broad daylight, deliberately, for people to see."

In a police interview, Desborough accepted the allegations but said he didn't remember them as he was an alcoholic.

Desborough, who represented himself, told the court: "I have spoken to the medic and been told I was suffering from PTSD and should have gone for help but didn't and bottled it up, and tried to destroy everything with drink. I was completely unaware of my spiralling down.

"I have met some nice people at counselling who are helping me.

"My one desire is to give up alcohol permanently and whatever is left of my life is what's left of it. Just complete remorse.

"This entire situation has been extremely traumatic. I would like to move on.

"I will never re-offend on any level. This has been so horrible and traumatic I don't want to experience it again. I am determined to not put a foot wrong again."

Magistrates were told Desborough has no relevant previous convictions and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

Chairman of the magistrates bench Stephen Takel gave Desborough a community order of 18 months.

The defendant has been ordered to abstain from drinking for six months, must complete 35 rehabilitation activity requirement days, and 80 hours of unpaid work.

Desborough, who was in court on Thursday, September 12, must register with the police at his local station in Bridport for five years.

He must also pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge of £114.