A mass search was launched after a group of kayakers failed to return to shore.

West Bay, Lyme Regis, Portland Bill and Wyke Regis Coastguard Rescue Teams were all called to ‘search various areas of the coast and sea’ after four kayakers did not return at the time they were supposed to.

The coastguard rescue helicopter was also launched alongside RNLI lifeboats from Weymouth and Lyme Regis to assist with the search which took place shortly after 10pm yesterday (Friday, September 13).

Fortunately, all four kayakers were later located safe and well on the shore and all teams were stood down.

A spokesperson for West Bay Coastguard said: “We were paged to search for four overdue kayakers.

“West Bay Coastguard performed a coastal search from West Bay to the East supported by Lyme Regis Coastguard.

“Wyke Regis and Portland Bill Coastguard Rescue Teams along with RNLI Lifeboats from Weymouth and Lyme Regis and a Coastguard Rescue Helicopter also tasked to search various areas of the coast and sea.

“The kayakers were later located safe and well ashore and all teams were stood down.”