Residents have expressed concern about a 'dangerous' zebra crossing in Bridport town centre. 

They say overgrown foliage from roadside trees is obstructing the well used zebra crossing on West Street and that drivers cannot see a beacon on one side of the crossing.

One concerned resident said: “As you approach the crossing in a vehicle there is only one beacon visible, the other one obscured by trees and the road markings worn away.

"If you're not local you would not realise there is a crossing there."

The zebra crossing on West Street has been obscured by foliage (Image: NQ) Another added that ‘all the crossings in Bridport are dangerous’.

They said: “The council or highways spend their money on unnecessary things and it needs a good sort out for whoever is in charge as they are not making a good job of it.”

A spokesperson for Bridport Town Council said: “The report to us mentioned both the West Street crossing, and another one on North Allington. 

“The correspondent also mentioned that foliage was obscuring motorists’ sight of one of these crossings. 

“Both the crossings and the foliage are the responsibility of Dorset Council, who are the highway authority and are completely separate from Bridport Town Council. 

Residents say the crossing has been obscuredResidents say the crossing has been obscured (Image: NQ) “We have of course forwarded your concerns to them and trust they will address them at the earliest opportunity.”

The spokesperson went on to request that the town council would appreciate if residents could in future raise the issue with the local authorities when commenting on concerns from social media.

The spokesperson added: “Ideally this would be to the responsible organisation, but if unsure we are happy to receive and forward reports on their behalf – call 01308 456722 or email

“We do on occasion spot such issues when highlighted on social media, but the best course of action is to report them so that they can be addressed. 

“We maintain an extensive A to Z of ‘who does what’ in Bridport, along with contact details, on our website at”

A Dorset Council spokesperson said: “We are writing to neighbouring householders regarding trees overhanging the crossing points, asking them to arrange cutting the foliage back.”