More than £4,000 has been raised in memory of a American viscountess's pet duck that was strangled to death by a dog walker.

As reported by the News, a fundraiser was launched after a duck that roamed freely around the Mapperton House estate in Beaminster was cruelly strangled to death by a visitor.

A fortnight ago Julie Montagu Viscountess Hinchingbrooke, and Luke Montagu Viscount Hinchingbrooke were left heartbroken after 10-year-old Quackers, an Indian Runner duck, was chased down by the woman's dog, then had its neck wrung by the dog owner and was thrown aside.

Mapperton is the family home of Viscountess and Viscount Hinchingbrooke and a place where runner ducks and chickens are able to roam free in the grounds.

At the time of writing, the fundraiser, which will create a new pond to attract wild ducks and other wetland species to Mapperton, has reached £4,330 of a £10,000 target.

Lord Montagu, who is the eldest son of the Earl of Sandwich, said: “This has been a really tragic day at Mapperton because we have lost one of our precious and much-loved runner ducks.

“Quackers was attacked by the dog of a visitor. When visitors come to Mapperton, there are lots of signs to say you must keep your dog on a lead, because we have got chickens, ducks, a tortoise and cats.

“This dog was not on a lead, it went and ran after it, caught it in its mouth. Now that’s quite bad. But then what happened is almost inexplicable. The owner picked the duck out of the mouth of the dog, wrung its neck and threw it into the long grass.

“Not only that, but they also then left the scene and she had her young son with her. I think the very least you can do is come in and say this has happened and apologise.”

Lady Montagu added: “I think what’s also really quite shocking is that this white runner duck was the leader of the pack. There’s three of them and she’s been here for 10 years.

“The entire team here was in shock. You come to Mapperton and one of the first things that you see are three runner ducks. I think the whole act is absolutely appalling - It took us almost an hour to try and find her.”

READ MORE: Estate owner hits out after pet duck strangled

READ MORE: Appeal for estate visitor to come forward and apologise after duck 'strangled'

The money raised will also enable the team to plant trees, shrubs and aquatic plants in the pond, alongside a plaque to commemorate Quackers ‘in the hope that her legacy will be the creation of a new wetland habitat which will provide a refuge for wild ducks and other wildlife for decades to come.’

People can give to the The Quackers Memorial Pond Fund online at