Bridport donned its most creative, whacky and downright fantastic for a 'hat-tastic' event.

The Bridport Hat Festival is a celebration of hats featuring a number of events including competitions, live music and games in Bucky Doo Square and the Millennium Green.

It returned on Saturday, September 7.

As is tradition, the mass-hatted photo was taken in the square at 1pm followed by judging of the various hat competitions.

An eclectic mix of hats were on display, from top hats to fedoras - not to mention those who went out of their way to show off their creativity with their handmade hats.

Click through our interactive gallery above to see all our pictures.

What a crowd!What a crowd! (Image: Graham Hunt Photography)

Karen Gould from Shipton Gorge set out to outdo her mother-in-law Yvonne, who won last year with a hat in the shape of a chocolate box.

In her efforts she enlisted her father-in-law Bernard who spent six months on and off crafting a hat replica of the Bridport town hall.

Karen said: "I love this event. When my mother-in-law won last year I joked that I would have the town hall (for a hat) next year in a half serious jest."

Yvonne added: "The festival brings happiness and joy and the atmosphere is great. We look forward to it every year."

Karen and Yvonne GouldKaren and Yvonne Gould (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Dan White, from Bridport, was somewhat stuck when his hat plans fell through, but luckily he had a 'eureka' moment after dropping a marrow the night before - attaching the now split marrow to a cap.

He said: "I love it (the festival), I think it is the most important day of the Bridport calendar."

Dan WhiteDan White (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Martyn Boultwood from Bridport attended with friends in a French ensemble. He said: "It is wonderfully Bridport. It is a great event to bring the town together and have some fun."

John Davies and Chrissie Proctor from Bridport wore Mr Men themed hats.

John said: "There are some really good hats. People were saying their faces ache at the end of the day from smiling so much.

"We look forward to it every year."

Chrissie added: "We are grateful it hasn't started raining.

"Imaginative, creative, strange, this event brings out the best in Bridport."

John Davies and Chrissie ProctorJohn Davies and Chrissie Proctor (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Neil Everett from Yeovil was attending the festival for the first time. He said: "It is very enjoyable. I love the outfits, love the hats."

Neil EveretteNeil Everette (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)