The founder of a west Dorset environmental company was a guest at an awards ceremony at the House of Commons.

Clare Matheson, founder and director of Little Green Change - a non-profit social enterprise company based in Lyme Regis - told how she was inspired after attending the Political Purpose Awards in Westminster.

Hosted by Nature 2030 and Fleur Anderson MP, the annual awards recognise the efforts of MPs who have supported or championed environmental causes over the past year. This is in a bid to incentivise more of them to devote their time to protecting nature.

In attendance were Chris Packham, who posed for a photograph with his feature in Little Green Change's student environmental magazine, Dale Vince, owner of energy company Ecotricity, and a large number of MPs and political figures including Caroline Lucas, former leader of the Green Party.

Chris Packham Clare Matheson at the Political Purpose Awards at the House of Commons Chris Packham at the Political Purpose Awards at the House of Commons (Image: Little Green Change) Winners this year included energy secretary Ed Miliband and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

The awards also included a Wooden Spoon award for UK Politics’ 'worst environmental duffer', which went to former PM Rishi Sunak.

Clare Matheson said: "Speaking to so many people who are all passionate about our planet - MPs, celebrities, environmental charity leads, and those working tirelessly behind the scenes to make a positive impact - including new and existing contacts, has made myself and the team at Little Green Change even more determined to engage, inspire and empower as many young people as possible to learn about, and act upon, the environmental crisis' we face.

"We are looking forward to seeing which MPs and organisations will be nominated at next year's event for their work over the coming 12 months."

Prior to the awards, the business owner also met Honiton and Sidmouth MP Richard Foord to discuss youth-led environmental education and action across the constituency.

Little Green Change says it is looking forward to working with him in this new academic year and beyond to engage more schools and youth in environmental education projects, initiatives and actions, leading to positive tangible outcomes across areas including biodiversity, waste and more.

To find out more about the free environmental education work Little Green Change carry out across UK state-funded primary and secondary schools, visit the website: