Bradpole residents have lashed out at a firm’s plans to reopen and extend a slaughterhouse with some labelling it as a "horrendous" decision for the community. 

The abattoir at Mangerton Lane in Bradpole was acquired by Shropshire-based Pickstock Telford Ltd after not being used for a year.

Now a planning proposal has been submitted to Dorset Council for the vacant site to start operating again.

This will include a building extension which could result in a doubling of staff, from 20 to 40, and 1,400 square metres of extra space.

READ MORE: Major changes planned for west Dorset slaughterhouse

The proposal has received backlash from residents with many concerned that the road is not suitable to accommodate such a large-scale operation. 

Stuart Hine, who lives on Townsend Way, described how this proposal is causing anxiety and stress amongst locals and that the area is ill-suited for such a large-scale slaughterhouse. 

Stuart Hine, resident of Townsend Way in Bradpole, BridportStuart Hine, resident of Townsend Way in Bradpole, Bridport (Image: Stuart Hine)

He said: "These lorries carrying livestock will be going down a single-track lane. But it was never designed for articulated lorries.

"There are many children and families that often play around there and will be crossing the roads. It's wholly unsuitable for such a small residential area."

The former farm site was first converted to abattoir use in the early 1990s.

In 2021, its former owners were ordered to pay thousands of pounds for multiple food hygiene breaches between 2019 and 2020. 

According to a planning document, the proposed development is expected to generate 8 two-way trips during the morning peak period and 16 two-way trips during the afternoon peak period (equating to approx 1 trip every 4 minutes on the local highway network, on average in the afternoon peak).

It says the proposals will not have an ‘unacceptable’ impact on highway safety or a ‘severe’ impact on the local highway network.

Location of the abattoir on Mangerton Lane, Bradpole, BridportLocation of the abattoir on Mangerton Lane, Bradpole, Bridport (Image: Google Maps)

Mr Hine expressed concerns that this would disrupt the tranquillity of the area as well as posing a safety risk to young children and families. 

He added: "This will go right past a recreation area where a lot of children play - it’s considered a jewel in our crown.

"Not only were many not aware of the whole thing but everyone that I've spoken to said it sounds awful. 

"Some people have lived during the time when the slaughterhouse first opened and complained about the smell and noise."

Proposed new site layout Proposed new site layout (Image: Freelance)

The planning proposal is currently out for public consultation with a September 14 closing date for comments on the application.

Another Bradpole resident, who wished to remain anonymous, described the proposal as "horrendous".

She said: "It's awful and it shouldn't be going ahead. 

“It’s only a little lane so cars won’t be able to get through with so many lorries backed up with live animals.

"It will be terrible for young children who might see the lorries full of live animals when they're going to and from schools.  It’s ludicrous."

The News has reached out to Pickstock Telford Ltd for a comment but has yet to receive a reply.

A statement with the planning application says: "he proposed extensions and alterations will provide additional facilities at the abattoir to support both staff and animal welfare. As part of the scheme the dwelling (Ridgeway House) will also be converted to office use to support the running of the abattoir.

"The principle of development is supported as the proposed development will enhance local employment through the redevelopment of an existing abattoir site. 

"Overall, the proposals represent a sustainable use of a brownfield site and will provide social, environmental and economic benefits. "