Residents have hit out at what they claim is 'inconsiderate parking' that is choking access to the hospital for ambulances, buses and lorries.

Hospital Lane leading up to Bridport Hospital is frequently full of parked cars, which are sometimes double-parked.

Although the hospital has said it's not aware of any issues relating to emergency vehicles getting past, residents say they've seen ambulances, larger vehicles and even buses trying to make their way up the hill often come to a standstill as the road clogs up.

Hospital LaneHospital Lane (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Andrew Found said: "It is a regular occurrence and it is getting worse and worse.

"What about the heavier vehicles trying to get up to the hospital, the trucks and ambulances?

"Sometimes the buses can't get up and down because people are parked inconsiderately."

Michael Fletcher says in the past even ambulances have been forced to reverse down the hill to allow vehicles past.

He said: "In the earlier years you had an ambulance come around and because of people's inability to reverse it could not get past.

"Most of the time these ambulances had to stop and wait. In fairness, the cars coming down the hill probably couldn't see the ambulance because of the parked cars.

"I have always thought if you are in an ambulance then every second counts."

Another resident said: "Parking on that road is a nightmare. Sometimes you will go down and they are parked so far out you can't see if something coming down from the hospital.

"I am told that recently the bus could not get up to the hospital and had to drop people nearer to the bus stop down the hill because it was packed with cars.

"God forbid if the hospital starts charging for parking.

"It is a bit of a problem, but I don't know how it could be fixed. I appreciate the need for parking, people like to go to Allington Hill and it is lovely, you do have to park somewhere."

A spokesperson for Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust, which operates Bridport Hospital, said: "We have no control over the parking arrangements on the road. We’re not aware of any specific problems relating to emergency vehicles."

South Western Ambulance has been approached for comment.

A spokesperson for Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue says that a fire engine needs clearance of three metres (10ft) to pass safely. Streets congested with parked cars can delay fire engines and other emergency service vehicles attending an incident.

Area Manager Stuart Gillion said: "Many streets were not designed to accommodate the number of cars that are now being parked in them. We are urging residents to think about their parking, as they could be putting the lives of their families, friends and neighbours at risk.

"This is particularly important in cul-de-sacs and Victorian streets that are narrow even without parked cars. We would urge everyone who parks on the roadside to help us provide the prompt emergency response that is rightly expected of us.”