A LOCAL historian and author has released her fifth book telling the story of her close friend.

Elizabeth Buckler Gale has just released her new book The Long Journey Back.

The book tells the story of her friend Betty Mackay who came to Burton Bradstock as a three-year-old with her family to escape the horrors of the London Blitz in World War Two.

Betty had to return to London at the age of 11 but was desperate to return to her much-loved Dorset – though it proved to be a journey that was 40 years in the making.

Elizabeth’s book, which contains 40 images, documents Betty’s life and how after many flying visits she was finally able to make a permanent return to Burton Bradstock, where she threw herself into local activities, including the village dramatic society.

Elizabeth will be signing copies of her book at West Bay Discovery Centre today at 11am-1pm.

It will be for sale at the centre priced at £9.95 and also at Bridport Museum, Burton Bradstock Post Office and Cilla & Camilla.