Publicans have hit out at a government proposal to ban smoking in beer gardens and outdoor venues.

First reported by a national newspaper and confirmed by Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, the proposal would extend the indoor smoking ban to pub beer gardens, outside stadiums, and outdoor restaurants.

Publicans in west Dorset have weighed in, saying that the proposed ban would be harmful to trade.

Sue Gordon, the licensee of the Hope & Anchor on St Michael's Lane in Bridport, is strongly against the proposal. She said: "If it goes through I think it will be the end of all pubs.

"I don't think it will go through. This is something that is up to the landlords. How are they going to police it?"

The Hope & AnchorThe Hope & Anchor (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Edward de Chazal and James Entwisle are the landlords of the Lord Nelson Hotel on East Street in Bridport.

Mr de Chazal said: "I would say that the proposed legislation is bound to affect trade.

"I am not a smoker, but many of my customers do and that is their right. Obviously, people drink in the pub and smoking is part and parcel of that.

"Typically people might sit at the bar to have a pint, and every hour or so have a smoke or a vape.

"I wonder if they would actually come out if they were not allowed to smoke, that would be my question."

Mr Entwisle added: "It can't be policed so I don't think it is worth the paper it is written on, I don't think anyone would pay any attention to it."

James and Edward landlords of the Lord NelsonJames and Edward landlords of the Lord Nelson (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Sarah Darby is the landlady of the Crown Inn on West Bay Road, Bridport. She also believes it would be bad for pubs.

She said: "It is a bit daft. I am a non-smoker but I don't mind it in the garden, it is fine. 

"It is going to hit the pubs if they ban it altogether. I am not happy about it, I think it is ridiculous. It is just going to hit the pub trade even more."

In Lyme Regis, Mark Oldfield, owner of the Harbour Inn on the Marine Parade, said: "It will make our customers not come in.

"We have 20 outside seats and half of them will be filled with people who came in because they can have a smoke.

"For some people having a cigarette and a beer goes together, and they come to completely relax.

"After everything over the past few years, the pubs that are hanging on by a thread are just going to go under."

The Harbour InnThe Harbour Inn (Image: Hugh Llewelyn via Flickr)