Get ready to don your most creative and spectacular hats as one of the quirkiest events in the Bridport calendar approaches.

The Bridport Hat Festival is an annual event held in Bucky Doo Square on the first Saturday of September - known as 'Haturday' - which this year is Saturday, September 7.

Originally starting in 2010 as a low-key bit of charitable fun, the Bridport Hat Festival has grown to be an important and much-anticipated event in the town’s calendar.

Treasurer Brian Atkinson said: "It never ceases to amaze me what amazing creations local people come up with. It is not a spur-of-the-moment thing, it takes a lot of effort and it just works.

"The atmosphere around the town is so nice. Everybody is smiling, and it just infects everybody else.

"It is looking very much like last year. It is a regular event that doesn't vary much because it just works.

"We are hostages to the weather, we are just hoping for a bit of sunshine."

A fun hat competition is open to everyone with categories such as the best lady, best gent, best boy, best girl, best couple and family or group.

Judging will be at 1pm, just after the mass-hatted photo in Bucky Doo Square.

Live entertainment will also take place throughout the day from young local musicians, as well as performances from the Bridport Broadsides shanty group and The Psychodahlias.

Mr Atkinson added: "In the morning when people just come along in their fancy creations and strut their stuff around the town putting a smile on everyone's faces.

"Then we have the massive photo at one o'clock and then we judge all the hats.

"It will be interesting to see if there are any themes running throughout this year. A few years ago we had a flash of Trumps.

"We are being copied around the world now. It is one of the things we are known for, Bridport is one of those sorts of places.

"Everyone should don their hat and come down and have a jolly good time."

The all-day HatFest Garden Party will take place at Millennium Green with music from St Swithun’s Brass Band.

A licensed bar and food will be served all day and other attractions include 'Hat Hurling' and a 'Hatted Dog Party' in the morning with the 'Most Elegant Ensemble' public competition in the afternoon.

Parking will be free in council car parks on the day.