Plans are currently underway to improve a stretch of the A35 that is prone to flooding.

The A35 at Kingston Russell and Winterbourne Abbas continue to be hotspots for flooding, which worsened following heavy rainfall this winter. 

As previously reported, Winterbourne Parish Council has been in talks with National Highways to discuss issues relating to the main west Dorset route including flooding, drainage, road crossing safety, street lighting and pavement issues.

READ MORE: Calls to tackle A35 flooding at Winterbourne Abbas

After frequent deluges of rain, motorists have battled their way through an at times submerged stretch of the A35 next to the Esso garage at Winterbourne Abbas. 

Now precautions have been taken in the lead up to the autumn season where more wet weather is to be expected.

National Highways has begun to clear the stream to the south side of the trunk road and the parish council has already arranged the annual clearing of the stream through Winterbourne Steepleton later in the year. 

Jonathan Hill, National Highways’ A35 route manager, said: “We experienced unprecedented levels of rainfall earlier this year, which resulted in a record high water table level across many areas of Dorset, as in many parts of the south west region.

Submerged stretch of the A35 next to the Esso garage at Winterbourne Abbas. Submerged stretch of the A35 next to the Esso garage at Winterbourne Abbas. (Image: Graham Hunt Photography)

“Adverse weather events can often affect land adjoining the strategic road network, although National Highways does have a robust inspection and maintenance regime in place for the A35, including the inspection and clearance of gullies through Winterbourne Abbas in the event of forecasted severe rain events.

“We have also recently undertaken extensive clearance of the leat running through the village, we’ll continue to undertake this work annually, and we are also working with third parties to ensure that the wider drainage system is working effectively and exploring any opportunities for improvements.”

A spokesperson from Winterbourne Abbas & Steepleton Parish Council added: "The parish council is continuing to liaise with the various parties involved in the flooding of the A35 in the Winterbourne Abbas filling station area.

"Site meetings have been held with the landowner and tenant farmer and they have already cleared the main drain from the farmyard that runs under the A35. It is also hoped that the existing flood pond further up the valley will be enlarged significantly before the winter period. 

"National Highways have already commenced the clearing of the stream to the south side of the trunk road. The parish council has already arranged the annual clearing of the stream through Winterbourne Steepleton later in the year. 

"These are important precautions as the stream takes all the surface water away from the valley. In addition, various further options are being investigated with the assistance of Dorset Council and the Environment Agency."