A young sailor has become the first person to circumnavigate Great Britain in an electric boat.

Harry Besley, 18, set off on his voyage in July and 31 days later he returned to Lyme Regis having successfully completed his journey.

He arrived back on August 14, a day before receiving his A-Level results.

READ MORE: Round Britain eRIB Challenge finishes in Lyme Regis

The journey, which had never been attempted before in an electric boat, saw him stop off at more than 45 stops across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, travelling approximately 1,708 nm over the course of 31 days 20 hours and 46 mins.

Harry Besley with cousin and crew Henry Cietak, becomes the first to round Land’s End in an electric boat.

Harry Besley with his boat ELECTRA becomes the first and fastest electric boat to circumnavigate Great Britain.

The aim of the journey was to push for a greener future for marine transport.

Harry was supported by his ground support crew, who themselves travelled 2,981 miles in their 100 per cent electric MAXUS T90EV pickup truck.

Project manager Jacqui Besley, who is also Harry's mother, said: “Right from the start our intention has been to help the marine industry move towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future, accelerating the change and encouraging industry investment.

"Demand in the eMarine sector needs to increase in order to give manufacturers the confidence to move forward with new products, and to give harbours and ports a reason to invest in shoreside charging.”

Skipper Harry Besley said: “The support we have received from sponsors, harbour and port teams and members of the public at all our stop locations, as well as on our social media postings, has been so encouraging.

"There has been a real sense of positive interest in what we have been trying to achieve.

"This was particularly welcome on some of our trickier legs where limitations on time, tides and charging proved difficult and often kept us up for much of the night. 

"A big thanks must go to all the staff at the ports, harbours and marinas who helped make this happen."

The Round Britain eRIB team are now looking to sell their Electra boat and anyone interested should contact the project team.