A drunken woman kicked a police officer in the testicles whilst being arrested on Boxing Day, a court has heard.

Jessica Arrowsmith, aged 24, of Barnes Meadow, Uplyme, pleaded guilty in Weymouth Magistrates Court to criminal damage of a phone and two charges of assault, including the assault of an emergency worker.

This relates to an incident on December 26, 2023, in Iwerne Minster.

Charles Nightingale, prosecuting, told the court that Arrowsmith sent messages late on Christmas Day to her partner of the time asking for assistance, and they met up outside a property.

They sat outside on a wall, Mr Nightingale said, and talked before Arrowsmith decided to leave, however, she was more drunk than her partner of the time thought - as she kept stumbling and falling to the ground.

Arrowsmith swung a punch at her partner, the court heard, and was walking into the road, then punched him and shouted at him.

Mr Nightingale said: "He tells her he will have to call the police because he is worried about her and her aggressive behaviour."

He went to phone the police, and Arrowsmith threw his phone, damaging it.

The court heard that police arrived, and her behaviour continued, so officers decided to arrest her, however, she started to kick out at one of the officers.

Arrowsmith managed to kick the officer in the testicles and even some hours later he described a sharp pain and mild discomfort, Mr Nightingale said.

Lee Christmas, mitigating, said: "You have a very full and detailed pre-sentence report.

"Clearly what you have are guilty pleas at the first opportunity. She has one previous conviction in a non-relevant matter.

"This offence happened in drink, and she is the victim of domestic abuse."

Chairman of the magistrates bench, Graham Westbrook said: "We are going to go along with the recommendations in probation's pre-sentence report."

Arrowsmith was given a 12-month community order. She must complete 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and structured intervention courses.

She must pay a fine of £120, compensation for the phone of £176.44 and compensation to the police officer of £150.

Additionally, she has been given a 12-month restraining order from the non-police victim.