More than £1,400 has been raised to support the restoration of church bells which were recast 100 years ago. 

A large jumble sale was held as part of Bridport Carnival celebrations last week to raise money to support St Mary's Church in the town. 

Vital renovation work is needed on its eight bells, which have been ringing for 100 years since they were fully recast in 1924.

Various celebratory events took place throughout the month of May to mark this milestone, including exhibitions on the church and tower at the Bridport Community Charter Fair. Bridport residents also had the opportunity to ring the bells themselves.

 READ MORE: PICTURES: Bridport bells ring out in centenary celebration

Bob Hardwick, tower captain, said the bells need to be renovated to prepare them for the next 100 years. While the bells still sound clear, he says that many of the parts haven't been touched for more than a century. 

Town crier ringing his bell at St Mary's Church for centenary celebrationsTown crier ringing his bell at St Mary's Church for centenary celebrations (Image: Bob Hardwick)

He said: "The bells are sound, as sound as they were in 1924. 

"What we need to address is the moving parts – the bearings have not been touched for 100 years.

"The clappers need timing to their bells, so the strike is even. The ropes are also a bit off-set within the tower, so need straightening, and other fine tuning works will help.

"The bells will then be much easier to ring for coming generations of ringers, and will help us keep Bridport ringing."

No 7 Bell of St Mary's Church No 7 Bell of St Mary's Church (Image: Bob Hardwick)

Mr Hardwick estimates that it will cost £25,000 to complete the full upgrade to the bells. 

While these specific bells have only rung for 100 years, the tower has housed bells since 1552, when an inventory revealed that Bridport only had three bells. By 1774, this increased to five bells with a clock.

A further bell was added in 1843 and the final two added in 1887.  All eight were recast in 1924.

Each has an inscription from the families who were part of that recasting and renewal of the bells 100 years ago.

Workers at St Mary's Bell towerWorkers at St Mary's Bell tower (Image: Bob Hardwick)

Bell ringer Sue Palfrey recently set up a fundraising page to commemorate the women who funded the recasting of the second bell in 1887 with a special plaque.

READ MORE: St Mary's Church plaque to honour women who recast bells

The church wants to hear from family members of those who were involved in restoring the bells and record their stories. These will then be compiled in a special book to honour their involvement. 

Celebrations will continue to mark the centenary of the bells with an open day at the church tower on the Bridport Hat Festival Day, Saturday, September 7, from 10am till 12 30pm

There will also be a talk in the church about the history of Bridport, given by Richard Balson and Alastair Forbes, called The Butcher and The Bells of Bridport, on Thursday October 3 at 7pm. Tickets will cost £5 on the door.