A modern retelling of the much-loved fairy-tale is coming to Bridport this autumn. 

Bristol-based theatre company Roustabout will touring its new show Little Red Riding Could across the UK finishing with a performance at the Bridport Arts Centre at 2pm on Saturday, November 2. 

The show offers a "playful and mischievous" retelling on the original fairy tale written and directed by Toby Hulse, with music by Robin Hemmings.

In this story, developed with two classes of Y1 pupils in Barnsley and Stockton-on-Tees, the main protagonist will abandon her signature red cloak and questions everything that is happening around her. 

It will be performed by actor-musicians Robin Hemmings, Rebecca Maule and Shaelee Rooke.

Toby Hulse, artistic director of Roustabout Theatre, said: “The five and six year olds we worked with had so many clearly articulated opinions and questions, and what had started as a play about gender roles very quickly became something far further reaching. 

"Their input was central to creating an age-appropriate exploration of how we all respond to the expectations put upon us, as well as encouraging us to be wildly imaginative in the way we told the story. 

Tickets can be bought on Bridport Arts Centre website: https://arconline.co.uk/whats-on/little-red-riding-could/