A POPULAR meadow home to an abundance of wildlife could be improved.

Asker Meadows is a much-loved and much-used green space close to the heart of Bridport and, together with the area known as New Zealand, provides much-needed green space for wildlife, community events, walkers and their dogs and a route for cyclists.

In 2019, the Town Council completed a similar survey for the management of the meadows for the period between 2019 to 2025.

Over the last five years the Town Council working with the Asker Meadows Nature Reserve Group has undertaken a number of practical improvements driven by the management plan covering 2019- 2025.

A spokesperson for Bridport Town Council said: "Bridport Town Council and Asker Nature Reserve Project have been following a management plan at Asker Meadows for the past five years which ensures that the interests of wildlife and the many users are balanced.

"Practical improvements include tree planting, meadow management, new footpath surfaces, bins, seating and sculptures.

"We are now working with the wider community to gather information and produce a revised management plan."

A consultation postcard will be distributed to users around the site during July and August for residents to make any comments.

The town council is also looking to hold a number of walks around Asker Meadows to explore some of the key management needs that will be addressed in the plan.

Each walk will focus on a specific theme and we will invite along local specialists. Walks will last about one hour.

More information about the walks will follow later in August.

A draft of the revised management plan will be made available for public comment in the coming months.

The main objectives of the plan include maintaining and enhancing the grazing meadows for their wildlife interests, maintaining surfaced paths as shared spaces for walkers and cyclists, running education events to promote awareness and appreciation of wildlife and encouraging responsible behaviours.

The management plan provides a five-year action plan that will guide future maintenance of the reserve and will outline new practical improvements.

The plan will be the basis for grant and funding applications to support practical activities.