Volunteers of a village youth club say they need help urgently or face losing the building itself.

The youth club in Charmouth, based on Wesley Close in the village, has had an uncertain future over the past 11 years, and has been closed since 2019. 

Vicki Donaldson, current club secretary, said: “The youth club was a very valued part of the community and if we don’t have it anymore it (the building) will be handed back to the owners.

"We are running out of time which is a worry.”

“We need to create a new committee to enable the youth club to reopen in Charmouth.

“Unfortunately, if no new committee is formed, we stand to lose this valuable addition to our village for good and the building itself.”

The youth club does not own the building which is situated next to the village hall - but is given use of it providing it fulfils its role offering youth services.

Following the club’s recent EGM, a few volunteers came forward to offer their services as members of committees, but crucial roles such as the chair of the club management committee, have not been filled.

Now, the youth club are asking for people to fill in a number of roles including chair, secretary/communications officer, treasurer, member responsible for safeguarding, bookings manager, buildings and repairs manager, health and safety officer and a funding manager.

If the roles are not filled, the club will not be seen as functioning, and will therefore need to be closed permanently. 

Losing the building will also mean that any other clubs or societies that have previously rented it out will not be able to do so. 

A meeting to try and fill the roles is planned for Sunday, September 15 at 4pm at the youth club.

The youth club was previously closed in 2016 as part of cuts from Dorset Council, with volunteers fundraising in 2019 to see the club start up again when Glastonbury Music Festival founder Michael Eavis visited for an auction.

Jan Kennedy, a former trustee member, said: “Before the pandemic we were trying to raise funds after government and council cuts.

“We raised around £4,000 and were looking employ two members of staff just before Covid, but because of the pandemic, that fell through after we had conducted the interviews.

“We’ve spoken to parents to try and get them involved too but it’s like banging your head against a brick wall sometimes.

“It’s so sad because there is nothing for the youth of Charmouth and the surrounding area to do.”

A spokesperson for the youth club, said: “If you have the skills and time to commit to helping the Youth Club reopen and move forward please do volunteer.

“We urge anyone interested to join us in this meeting to give the youth club its last chance before closure.”

A spokesperson for Charmouth Parish Council, said: “The Parish Council has recently been made aware of the situation with the Youth Club in Charmouth and will be keeping up to date with progress.”

If you would like to help the youth club or find out more, email vickidonaldson727@gmail.com.