Organisers of a popular Bridport fundraiser have been left 'astonished' after raising more than £4,000.

The quirky RNLI Raft Race was hailed a success after thousands of locals and holidaymakers gathered along the River Brit in West Bay to witness a competition like no other. 

The charity fundraiser saw 17 teams - along with their homemade rafts - take to the water on the evening of Thursday, July 25 to raise money for the RNLI.

In total £4,285 was raised through sponsorships and donations which is the most the event has ever raised.

READ: West Bay RNLI Raft Race picture gallery

Competitors battled it out on the River Brit for first placeCompetitors battled it out on the River Brit for first place (Image: Graham Hunt Photography)

Philip Bateman, the Bridport & District RNLI branch treasurer said: "We were over the moon with the money raised and it was our best ever. 

"We have improved tremendously since last year and raised £1,000 more than last year - we did very well."

Around 1,500 people turned up to the event and the Bridport RNLI chair, Sadie Miles was blown away by the support from the public who donated on the night.

She continued: "It's amazing, in this day and age, when it's hard economically for people.

"To be so generous is quite astonishing really,

"We usually hit £3,500 to £4,000 but it is over £4,000 it is quite extraordinary.

"With people struggling, turning out the way they did and donating, it was a very good result."

More than 1,000 people lined the River Brit to watch the raceMore than 1,000 people lined the River Brit to watch the race (Image: Graham Hunt Photography)

She added: "We are very grateful to the locals, holidaymakers and businesses, and of course a big thanks to the committee and Ann Taylor for organising it."

On the night there were plenty of wacky costumes and inspired raft designs, but Sadie admits the race almost did not go ahead due to the weather.

She continued: "We didn't know if we would do it because of the weather  but the sun did come out.

"It started well and on time and everyone paddled and raced up to the mark then all of a sudden there was a water fest with splashes and buckets of water being thrown.

"They then went up the river and another water fight broke out.

Sadie added: "The rafts were funny as usual and lots of local businesses took part.

"It's really quite lovely to see the imagination go bonkers and great to see all the rafts and costumes."

This year's RNLI Raft Race winners: 

1st - Gladdy Sailors, from Furleigh Estate 

2nd - Cherry Stone, from Cherry Steam Preserves 

Best Dressed - Swan cake, from Oscars Wine Bar

Most Enjoyable - Soloport & Solostarboard, from Soloport