Fed-up residents say they are tired of their local beach being trashed and that 'things need to change.'

People living near West Bexington say they 'don't like going to the beach anymore' due to a long list of problems they claim are caused by visitors. 

Approximately 11 tents have been seen at West Bexington in recent days, with residents claiming that they have left litter at the beach.

READ: ‘Nightmare’ illegal campers causing nuisance in West Bexington

It's left them anxious ahead of the summer season, and repeated problems around parking, litter and wild camping. 

Nearby resident Andrew Roach said: "It’s a ongoing thing. I have seen people camping all weekend and just leaving their rubbish all around this lovely place. It needs to be changed before we lose it."

READ: Why isn't overnight camping on Chesil Beach being policed?'

The issue of wild campers on the beach has been raised many times by residents of the village of West Bexington and Dorset councillors have said action needs to be taken.

West Bexington beachWest Bexington beach (Image: Hollie Carr)

The issue of wild campers is even deterring some residents from using the beach themselves.

One village resident who wished to remain anonymous said: “It does bother us, and we don’t like going to the beach anymore. There are plenty of campsites in the area that people can use instead.

“It all started with lockdown when people seemed to discover West Bexington as a place to escape to.

READ: Tourists’ concerns after Chesil Beach likened to 'refugee camp'

“It’s a protected world heritage site and they are tarnishing the natural ecology. We do beach cleans, but it should not be our responsibility. If they bring stuff, they should take it away.

“That’s why I don’t go down there anymore. It used to be a lovely place to go down and have a swim.”

Another person who has been staying nearby said: “I have definitely noticed more people on the beach. There was also a lot of litter left by campers at the beginning of last week.”

However, others appeared to share the view that ‘they have never thought that the camping as being that much of a problem.”

Locals have said they are fed up with the "constant disruption" by the wild campers.

One local claimed that in the past, campers have been on the beach playing loud music until all hours of the morning.

Equally, some have previously parked in the road, rather than the car park, blocking entrance to and from the beach.

No parking on grass vergeNo parking on grass verge (Image: Hollie Carr)

In 2021, a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) was introduced which made it illegal for visitors to camp on any of the beaches between Burton Bradstock and Abbotsbury.

Public Space Protection Order at West BexingtonPublic Space Protection Order at West Bexington (Image: Hollie Carr)

Andrew Pearce, who lives in the village and runs Flying Frenzy Paragliding, said: “I have noticed that there are people down on the beach. In the past some campers have been respectful, whilst others have not been.”

Illegal campers on West Bexington BeachCampers on West Bexington Beach (Image: Andrew Roach)

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: "We have not received any reports of camping on the beach at West Bexington, we have checked our CCTV and there are a couple of small tents used by persons fishing, which is allowed under the PSPO.

"We do monitor the area and patrol where required, as well as working with partner agencies including Dorset Police, the National Trust and Parish Councils"

Residents have since claimed that they do not believe action has been taken against the campers.

In 2023, the News reported on a similar issue surrounding wild camping at the same beach.