An amber wildfire alert has been issued for the Dorset area as temperatures rise.

The alert means that should a wildfire happen; it could spread quickly and easily due to the conditions.

This amber wildfire alert will come into action this weekend as most of the country are set to experience much warmer temperatures by the end of the week.

Risk is greatest on large areas of open land, such as heathlands, fields and even cliffsides.

Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue service has advised that people can stay safe by:

•            Extinguish smoking materials properly, and don’t throw cigarette ends on the ground or out of car windows.

•            If you see a fire in the countryside, report it immediately to the fire service to prevent it from developing into a large wildfire incident.

•            When calling the Fire & Rescue Service, get to a safe place, note the fire’s location (apps such as What3Words can help if you’re not sure), call 999, and meet firefighters at the access point if you can.

•            Don’t attempt to tackle fires that can’t be put out with a bucket of water – leave the area as quickly as possible and call 999.