Winners of an agricultural society’s prestigious sheep flock competition have been announced.

The Melplash Agricultural Society's flock competition is open to sheep farmers who live within 12 miles of Melplash village church who keep sheep for breeding, whether is be commercial, pedigree or rare breeds, with classes for small, medium and large flock sizes.

Judges reward entrants for their shepherding and flock management skills. This year’s judge for the small and medium flock categories was James Stephens of Crediton and stewarded by John Yates. Richard Parry-Jones of Stoke-sub-Hamdon judged the large flock category, with Phillip Baker stewarding.

Mr Baker has been involved with the section of the society for more than six decades, in all different areas of the competition, and explains how shepherding has changed over the years. He said: “I have been involved with the sheep section of the Melplash Agricultural Society for some 65 years in various roles, initially as a sheep farmer and competitor and now as a steward.  

“The Flocks Competition has always been an important event in my calendar.  It is the opportunity for all shepherds, no matter how many sheep or breed of ewes they have, to participate and be recognised for their flock management practices and efficiency.   

“The sheep are judged as a flock in the field, and during the process the judge looks at the health and welfare of the flock and discusses with the shepherd the flock improvement and breeding programme.    

“It is always a pleasure to visit various flocks and to learn about how they are managed. The role of the shepherd has changed a lot over the last 65 years but one thing that definitely remains the same is that sheep farmers care very much for the well-being of their flock and much time and planning goes into producing the best lamb for the table.”

Mr Stephens, added: “The standards, passion and progressiveness of the flocks were impressive.”

The full results are as follows:

Small Flock (15-30 ewes)

Richard White's flock of Exmoor MulesRichard White's flock of Exmoor Mules (Image: Melplash Agricultural Society)

1st: WINNER of the Melplash Agricultural Society Perpetual Cup: Richard White, West View, Morcombelake with his flock of Exmoor Mules

2nd: Phillip Brooks, Brooksfield, Hardington – Poll Dorset

3rd: Mimi Machin, Bridport – Zwartbles sheep at Chilcombe

4th: Kaye Downey, Grove Farm, Hardington Marsh – Mixed ewes


Medium Flock (51-300 ewes)

Ed and Jo Goodfellow from Netherbury's medium flock of Poll Dorset and Dorset HornEd and Jo Goodfellow from Netherbury's medium flock of Poll Dorset and Dorset Horn (Image: Melplash Agricultural Society) 1st and WINNER of the J R Bowditch Perpetual Cup:  Ed & Jo Goodfellow, Higher Silkhay, Netherbury with their flock of Poll Dorset & Dorset Horn

2nd: Alice Wade, Colesmoor Farm, Toller Porcorum – Romney x Highlander

3rd: David & Carolyn Gill, Chantmarle Farm – Pedigree Shetland

Large Flock (301 ewes and over)

Martin Yeates' winning large flock of Dorset ewesMartin Yeates' winning large flock of Dorset ewes (Image: Melplash Agricultural Society) 1st and WINNER of the Newall Perpetual Cup: Martin Yeates, Manor Farm, Swyre with his  flock of Dorset ewes

2nd:  Lee Taylor, Rampisham Manor Farm – Lleyns & Aberfields

3rd: Ian Johnson, Cardsmill Farm, Whitchurch Canonicorum – Mule X

4th: Bruce Maltby, Long Barrow Farm, Kingston Russell – Romney

The winners will receive their trophies at the Melplash Show, to be hosted on Thursday, August 22.