A free summer concert will be taking place in Lyme Regis to honour the special milestone of a life-saving service.

Lyme Bay Chorale will again support Lyme Regis Lifeboat Week with a special fundraising concert in aid of the RNLI, which this year is celebrating the 200th anniversary of its founding in 1824.

The choir group is made up of about 25 singers, based in Lyme Regis. It usually gives two concerts of classical and modern choral music each year (spring and advent) in St Michael’s Church plus at least one fundraising concert.

A number of invited guests will be joining the Lyme Bay Chorale line-up during lifeboat week including singers from Salisbury Cathedral Choir.

Richard Tanner will rehearse the singers in the afternoon and conduct the concert. His wife, Philippa Hyde, is a professional soprano and one of the choir’s patrons, and both have worked with the choir many times.

Alex Davies, the choir’s usual musical director, will accompany the concert on the organ.

He said: “The RNLI is close to the hearts of everyone in our seaside community, and I’m delighted that we can help with its fundraising again in this anniversary year.”

“Our singers and I are all looking forward to working with Richard again and performing some joyful music for our audience.”

The concert is at 6pm on Saturday July 27 in Lyme Regis Parish Church (St Michael the Archangel) and will last about an hour. Admission is free with a retiring collection in aid of the RNLI.