A FUNDRAISER is underway for a plaque to honour the women of Bridport who helped recast the church bells.

Bell ringer Sue Palfrey wants to commemorate the women who funded the recasting of the second bell in 1887 with a special plaque.

The eight bells in St Mary’s Church, Bridport have been ringing for 100 years since they were fully recast in 1924. Each bell has an inscription commemorating the families or groups who helped to fund each bell.

So far £574 has been raised and Sue Palfrey is hoping to raise £1,000. 

Sue Palfrey, bellringer for St Mary's Church BridportSue Palfrey, bellringer for St Mary's Church Bridport (Image: Sue Palfrey)

She said: "I started ringing the bells at St Mary's two years ago and I have so enjoyed learning a new skill and meeting such lovely people. 

"When I heard that one of the bells had been sponsored by the women of Bridport 100 years ago I thought it was a really beautiful gesture and I wanted to give the women of Bridport today an opportunity to continue and be a part of the legacy. 

Workers at St Mary's Bell towerWorkers at St Mary's Bell tower (Image: Bob Hardwick)

"Hopefully in another 100 years the bells will still be ringing and the future women of Bridport will be inspired to do the same. 

"I have set up a Justgiving page and have raised over £550 and also have £200 cash. So close but not quite there. I am asking the ladies of Bridport to visit the donation page and let’s get our name on the plaque."

Celebrations recently took place to mark the 100 year milestone including exhibitions of the church and tower at the Bridport Community Charter Fair. Bridport residents also had the opportunity to ring the bells themselves.

READ MORE: PICTURES: Bridport bells ring out in centenary celebration

A brand-new bell ringing peal has also been created in honour of the special occasion, and formally named as Bridport Delight Major. 

As part of the celebrations, the church is reaching out to family members of those who were involved in restoring the bells to hear and record their stories. These will then be compiled in a special book to honour the their involvement. 

Town crier ringing his bell at St Mary's Church for centenary celebrationsTown crier ringing his bell at St Mary's Church for centenary celebrations (Image: Bob Hardwick)

While these specific bells have only rung for 100 years, the tower has housed bells since 1552.

An inventory revealed that St Mary's only had three bells but this increased to five bells with a clock in 1774.

A further bell was added in 1843 and the final two added in 1887.  All eight bells were recast in 1924.

You can donate to the fundraiser via https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/bell-2