A NEWLY elected Dorset MP who has taken the West Dorset seat from the Conservative party for the first time in its 139 year history says he's 'over the moon.'

Speaking after the historic result, Lib Dem Edward Morello said 'there's an awful lot to be done' and the 'hard work starts on Monday'

Mr Morello received 26,999 votes whilst incumbent MP Chris Loder of the Conservatives attracted 19,210.

READ MORE: GENERAL ELECTION: Full results for Dorset

It follows a night of huge losses for the Conservatives, with the Tories retaining just two seats in Dorset, having held all eight previously.

Chris Loder speaking to Edward Morello after the vote (Image: Tom Lawrence)

Mr Morello said it was a 'monumental result', marking the end of a long journey for the Lib Dems.

“I'm overjoyed. It’s a fantastic result for Lib Dems in West Dorset. For 139 years the area’s only had conservative MPs in West Dorset so this is a monumental result.

“It’s taken a lot of work, not just over the last eight years that I have been running but for decades before. Candidates have fought hard to show what Lib Dems can do.

“To get where we are now to winning the local election and winning so many seats at the general election is a testament to working incredibly hard at any level.”

READ MORE: Reaction to Dorset results in the General Election 2024

Following this win, the newly elected MP has announced his plans to improve healthcare in the area and tackle the cost-of-living crisis.

He added: “The voters of West Dorset have responded. On Monday I will be in Westminster, starting the hard work and getting a fair deal for West Dorset such as cleaning up resident beaches, tackling the cost-of-living crisis, repairing the NHS.

“There’s an awful lot to be done and thankfully we’ve got more Lib Dems in parliament who can work together to improve the lives of people in West Dorset."

Mr Morello has expressed his gratitude to the people who voted for him and supported his campaign.

He said: “A massive thank you to everyone who supported by voting or volunteering in the campaign. It’s been an enormous effort by people over many years.

“We’re grateful to the voters of West Dorset who put their faith in the Lib Dems and we intend to reward them in hard work. I’m excited to get started.”

Results - West Dorset

Edward Morello, Liberal Democrats: 26,999

Chris Loder, Conservatives: 19,210

Donna Lumsden, Labour: 3,086

Kelvin Clayton, Green: 2,288

Oliver Chisholm, Independent: 733

Marcus White, Everyone Is God party: 289