The candidates for West Dorset have spoken to The News about why they should get your vote.

Ed Morello, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for West Dorset:

"This campaign isn’t about me. It’s about my wife, our son, our friends and neighbours; it’s about everyone who lives in West Dorset.

"We are blessed to live in one of the most beautiful parts of this great Country and we deserve an MP that will work hard to protect and repair what makes it such a special place.

"I want to fix our local health service so that we can access GPs and NHS dentists. I want to protect our countryside, rivers, and beaches from water companies dumping sewage.

"I will fight the cost of living crisis, and bring down energy and food bills.

"I will ensure our rural economy can thrive, and farmers can make a living producing high-quality food for our communities.

"I work in renewable energy because I believe we can create a better future for the World, I want to be your MP because I believe we can build a better future for West Dorset."