Travellers are still pitched up at west Dorset playing field

At least 10 caravans and additional vehicles have were spotted setting up in Anning Road Playing Field, Lyme Regis yesterday, bringing with them a pack of dogs and a horse.

It is understood that travellers gained entry to the park during the morning.

A local resident said: "They were still here this morning but they were very quiet overnight which is good."

According to Lyme Regis Town Council the group have agreed to dispose of rubbish properly, to clean up after their animals, to keep noise to a minimum, especially late at night, and to leave the site as they found it.

They are also aware there is CCTV on the site and the council can monitor this.

One Lyme Regis resident who wished remain anonymous said upon their arrival: “I am worried, they are still arriving. I don’t have a problem with travellers as long as they are at the correct place.

“They have got horses and dogs in the field. I reckon there are about 10 caravans and additional vehicles.”

A passer-by described seeing one horse and at least six dogs running around the field.

A spokesperson for Lyme Regis Town Council said: "We are aware of the traveller encampment at Anning Road Playing Field, which is owned by the town council.

"The council has a policy and procedure in place to address gypsy and traveller encampments and we are implementing this. We have legal duties we have to meet and we are adhering to these, while also being aware of the concerns of the local community.

"We have visited the site to speak to the community, assess the impact of the encampment and establish the intentions of the community. This was a friendly exchange and the community understood the sensitivity of being located on a children’s playing field and in a residential area.

"The community agreed to dispose of rubbish properly, to clean up after their animals, to keep noise to a minimum, especially late at night, and to leave the site as they found it. They are aware there is CCTV on the site and the council can monitor this.

"We have informed the police about the situation and also the gypsy and traveller liaison officer at Dorset Council. Discussions are ongoing and we will issue further updates when we have them.

"We will be visiting the site each day to actively monitor the situation and we already have an indication of when they will be leaving the site."

They have since issued an update: "

A council spokesperson said: “The town council has visited the site again today to review the situation and to talk to the community. We have been in discussions with Dorset Police about how best to resolve the situation and the police will continue to work with us to monitor the situation and take any further action if appropriate.

“This issue is a priority for the town council and the police and we are looking to achieve a resolution shortly.

“A further update will be issued on Thursday.”

Concerns were raised about the presence of travellers causing future events to be cancelled at the grounds, however the town council have confirmed that there are no events planned for the field.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: "There is no further update at this time, we are continuing to work with our partners to monitor the situation and take any further action if appropriate.

"We received a report at 12.09pm on Tuesday, June 25, of an unauthorised encampment in the area of Anning Road in Lyme Regis."