A post office could return to Lyme Regis as part of a new waffle café.

As previously reported, non-profit organisation Waffle is aiming to bring a new café to the town in the old post office building on Broad Street.

The social enterprise is fundraising £60,000 to get the equipment into the building.

Waffle operates community waffle cafés in Axminster and Seaton and is now looking to open in Lyme Regis, with an opening date dependent on fundraising.

The directors of Waffle are also attempting to bring the post office back to Lyme Regis as part of their café

Director Matt Smith said: "It is part of our plan, part of the £60,000 we are raising is to try and put a post office back to the building.

"It won't be easy, we need to raise £20,000 and become postmasters ourselves, but it is feasible.

"We are keen to do that, we are all about bringing infrastructure into the communities we operate in.

"Putting a post office back into Lyme would fit in with what we do."

Crowdfunding enables community groups and other not-for-profit organisations like Waffle, including town and parish councils, to raise money all in one place to make their project happen quickly, without having to fill in multiple application forms.

The assets which are being purchased by Waffle are under an asset lock, meaning they do not belong to the owners.

Mr Smith said: "We are a CIC, social enterprise.

"Everything we buy with the money raised, the fridges, the air conditioning, all of that belongs to the community. 

"If we one day decide to back up, that space and everything in it belongs to the community of Lyme Regis."

Since they announced the plans, Waffle has managed to raise £18,000 in total and have used the money to install air conditioning and extraction into the building.

Mr Smith hopes they can open the waffle café in Autumn.

He added: "With crowdfunding, it is hard to put a date on because we buy the next thing as more money comes in.

"We haven't had anything to slow us down.

"For anyone who is following us and donated hopefully they can see where their money is going, we are trying to be transparent.

"I am excited and we are all so excited to get stuck into Lyme Regis."