A MUCH-loved youth centre has been saved after a community rallied round to save it.

Campaigners are thrilled after a fundraiser to support Bridport Youth and Community Centre (BYCC) smashed its target - with money still coming in.

The centre, on Gundry Lane, launched an appeal in April as it battled for survival after funding was cut and costs spiralled.

READ MORE: Bridport Youth Community Centre crowdfunds for survival

It was warned the centre could close its doors by the end of the year.

The community rallied round and the latest fundraising push has seen Bridport Round Table, and other national match funders - in which every pound raised is doubled - help the centre reach its £20,000 goal.

Users of the Bridport Youth and Community Centre (Image: Bridport Youth Community Centre) That amount will be surpassed however as more donations come rolling in - and Palmers Brewery has promised to match fund anything beyond £20,000.

Therefore a new 'stretch target' of £30,000 has been established.

At the time of writing, the current total is more than £25,000.

The amount raised means the centre now has 'breathing space' in order to formulate a plan going forward.

One of the BYCC’s new trustees, Alan Weston, who is also a volunteer at the centre, said: “I want to give big thank you to one and all for such magnificent support for our Crowdfunder on behalf of the trustees, staff, my fellow volunteer fundraisers and the 600 plus young and old members of the public who use the centre every week.

“Your continued support will make it possible to secure the future of the centre and improve its accessibility for use of our wonderful community.”

The fundraising campaign is offering a host of rewards for donating specific amounts.

Food is provided for children at the youth centre during holidays (Image: Margie Barbour) Centre manage, Katrina Polanska said: “The future of the centre is secure for the time being and gives us the breathing space to form a fundraising plan for the next five years.  We have had big changes and new trustees and now our plans turn to how we are sustainable. 

"Mayor Anne Rickard has chosen the BYCC as one of three mayoral charities to support over the year which will be nice to add that on. A huge thank you to the town for the continued support.

"There are still lots of rewards up for grabs. They have all been donated by local businesses to support us so when you donate, don’t forget to claim yours."

Margie Barbour, a former trustee, and current member of the fundraising team said: “I have been a long-term user of this wonderful community hub and feel a strong debt of gratitude to know that the town supports what is its only youth club.

“More than 100 young people a week find this offers them a safe place where they can learn, play and socialise.”

Storytime sessions at the centre will be able to continue after funding was secured (Image: Margie Barbour) Another volunteer, Ann Langridge, said: “It’s been wonderful, and we are all thrilled that even now in the closing weeks of our Crowdfunder that Palmers have so kindly come on board to match fund every new pound we can raise.

“All of us are so grateful to the crowdfunding team who have helped us shape our campaign.”

Bridport Youth and Community Centre Trust took over the youth centre from the then Dorset County Council in 2016, offering activities to promote inclusion and reduce social isolation for those aged under 21 and over 55.

Mayor of Bridport, Cllr Anne Rickard said: "The BYCC is an incredibly important charity. Bridport Town Council part rescued it and since then it has taken off. 

"We are regularly supporting it financially and it is supporting lots of other charities in the town. 

"It needs a lot of looking after. There are still a lot of ongoing repairs needed and that is why I want to support it because our youths are the future and we must look after them."

To donate to the fundraiser, visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/keep-bycc-open-2024#start