An author from Bridport has released the second book in a series which is inspired by coastal walks across the south west. 

Sarah Scally published her debut novel The Postcard in the Window last year, which centred around a hiking group called The Happy Wanderers.

Now she is celebrating the release of the sequel entitled It Started with A Shoe, which will centre around a new character called Phoebe Ellis as she tries to uncover a plot which is happening in her workplace.

Sarah has lived in Bridport for more than 25 years and drew inspiration for The Happy Wanderers series from her natural surroundings, going on many walks across Dorset's coastal towns. 

She added: “The story is set in a coastal town and I take bits of inspiration from different areas where I live. I have coastal walks around the south west in my mind while I’m writing.

It Started with a Shoe front coverIt Started with a Shoe front cover (Image: Sarah Scally)

“The place is almost like another character. When I imagine the different finds along coastal paths like what a woodland looks and feels like.  I like to create a map and start to imagine where people are and where they live."

The story will also see the return of The Happy Wanderers as they offer Phoebe friendship and guidance with her plan to uncover her boss's secret. 

As her characters 'struck a chord' with readers in the last book, Sarah wanted to find a way to work them into a new story. 

She said: "I wanted to carry on with a lot of the characters who appear to have resonated with people.

“This book has a theme of multigenerational friendships.  I think that comes through with the older characters taking Phoebe under her wing, friendship in all different forms really, not just people of the same age."

The characters started life in a radio play, written by Sarah, which was broadcast on Bridport Community Radio as part of a week of events run by Bridport Arts Centre in 2014.

READ MORE: Sarah Scally publishes debut 'The Postcard in the Window'

Sarah also plans to write a third book in the series, which she says is due to be published at the end of the year or the beginning of 2025. She hopes people across Dorset will enjoy the adventures of the Happy Campers with their 'heart-warming' themes. 

She said: “It’s an uplifting light-hearted story with elements of comedy and romance. It will be a nice relatively easy read with descriptions of outdoors and friendship group.”

Both It Started with A Shoe and The Postcard in the Window are available to buy from Amazon in paperback for £6.99 or in Kindle format for £1.99