Dumped household waste has been discovered in a park by police officers patrolling the area.

The Bridport Neighbourhood Policing Team was conducting high visibility patrols yesterday afternoon, Monday June 24, and came across discarded household waste in the Buckham Down park area in Beaminster. 

It is believed the waste has been fly tipped.

Regular patrols of the area will continue. 

Bridport Police has subsequently issued a warning to the public about the serious consequences of fly tipping for the environment and local council. 

A spokesperson said: "The Bridport Neighbourhood Policing Team has been out [yesterday] afternoon conducting high visibility patrols when they came across this household waste.

"Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste

"It’s a criminal activity that can cause serious pollution of the environment, can be a risk to human health and can harm wildlife and farm animals.

"It’s a major problem, which costs local authorities a lot of money each year to clear up.

"Fly tipping spoils our local neighbourhoods and quality of life, it has a negative impact on all residents.

"If you should see any fly tipping when out and about you can report it to Dorset Council."