A new indoor football facility in West Dorset could open as early as September after organisers of a crowdfunding campaign reached their £30,000 target.

As previously reported in May, Bridport FC youth coaches and friends Tom Richardson, Ian Black and Jamie Harwood set up the Precision Football Arena - a not for profit organisation based in Beaminster.

They began raising funds to install a new state of the art community indoor football facility for a warehouse in the Horn Park area of Beaminster as persistent wet weather brought sessions to a halt in the winter.

Now, the group has raised a total of £33,069, smashing their target, with renovation works on the project already starting. The group is hoping to open the doors of the warehouse in September for matches.

Mr Richardson said: “It’s gone way up over the £30,000, which is amazing. I’ve been down there recently, cleaning the cobwebs away, and after that the next step will be to paint it, as there is a lot of space to paint. I’m really excited.

“We’re hoping that the arena should be open in September, which is why we think we have seen so much support.”

Palmers Brewery had also matched funding of £2,000 from their community fund to donate to the project.

Mr Richardson thanked the community on behalf of the group.

He said: “We’ve had a lot of support, and have had local decorator, Wayne Parkman, offer his services and time to paint for free, which is amazing.

“I have been messaging people personally to say thanks as some people really have given a lot of money in a short space of time, which is so impressive given the climate.

“We want to say a massive thank you to people who have got behind the project.

"I personally want to make it the best place possible at the moment as currently, there is nowhere near us with an indoor football pitch. The nearest one is in Wales. Then we will go from there.”

The Crowdfunding campaign was extended an extra week, with a goal of creating a top of the range, first floor gym area to benefit the community.

The funds will cover a modernisation of the facility, a 3G artificial pitch, training and gym equipment, a new barroom, kitchen and changing room facilities, security cameras, and a party area.

To view or donate to the Crowdfunder, visit  www.crowdunder.co.uk/p/communityindoorpitch#start