A trade union has condemned plans to redevelop a residential home in Bridport, stating residents will likely face a "distressing upheaval."

Adult social care provider Care Dorset today announced plans to redevelop Sidney Gale House (SGH) in Bridport to develop a new residential and reablement centre on the same site.

The centre aims to support elderly people who are discharged from hospital and is the latest scheme for the elderly in the area. 

READ MORE: Bridport: Sidney Gale House site to be redeveloped

To allow development work to take place, the twelve people currently residing at the house will have to move out. 

Care Dorset confirmed it will support residents with this relocation however, the Unison has released a statement criticising this redevelopment for the "distress" it could cause to elderly residents. 

Amanda Brown, assistant branch secretary for Unison Dorset, said: “The planned closure of Sidney Gale House is deeply disappointing. 

Sidney Gale House PictureSidney Gale House Picture (Image: Care Dorset)

“Vulnerable elderly residents will face a distressing upheaval as they’re forced from their homes, and many of the skilled, trusted care workers who look after them are likely to lose their jobs."

Care Dorset was also not able to disclose how many new jobs would be created or if jobs would be lost from this redevelopment plan. 

Maintenance issues meant since 2022 the 44-person capacity building was only able to accommodate 17 people.

The trade union claims the site is in a state of neglect, so much so it needs to close. 

“Bridport is a small rural town with limited services and few alternatives for staff to find new jobs or for residents to find somewhere that keeps them close to their loved ones. 

“The home has been saved from closure several times in recent years. But it’s clearly been neglected to the point that it needs to shut its doors.

“Care Dorset must explain and allow time for further discussions with Unison and the council, which owns this company.” 

Care Dorset did not want to comment.