The Bridport branch of the Royal British Legion hosted a talk about the history of Bridport surrounding D-Day.

The branch president Brigadier John Dean reminded around 80 local residents at the Bridport Town Hall last week about the history surrounding Operation Overlord (D Day) that Bridport played a key role in.

The town hosted hundreds of American soldiers in their preparation for the Normandy invasion on June, 6 1944.

READ: Bridport Royal British Legion honours D Day heroes

The talk lasted an hour and detailed how the idea for D-Day was formed earlier in the war from the experiences of the Gallipoli campaign during The First World War, and the Evacuation of Dunkirk at the beginning of The Second World War.

Royal British Legion member Mike Thompson said: "John described in detail the immense movement on land, sea and air and the logistics involved to support the land forces as they made their way through northern France.

"A collection at the door raised an incredible £264.00 for branch funds.

"A big thank you to our president and all who attended."