BUSINESS owners have voiced their delight after it was announced that selected car parks will see controversial charges slashed this summer as part of a new trial.

Dorset Council said car parking charges at West Bay Road in West Bay, and Charmouth Road in Lyme Regis will be halved for a trial period from July 1 until October 31.

West Bay Road car parkWest Bay Road car park (Image: Google Maps)

Charmouth Road car park in Lyme RegisCharmouth Road car park in Lyme Regis (Image: Google Maps)

In March 2023, Dorset Council increased the parking charges at sites in what it described as 'busy tourist areas'. This price hike was met with huge objections from residents and business owners.

READ MORE: 'Outrageous' - Traders' fury as resort parking charges soar

Some people said they would not return to West Bay because of the charges.

The Lib Dems pledged to review the charges after taking control of County Hall from the Tories following the local elections in May.

Currently, the tariffs in these car parks are:

Up to 30 minutes: £1.50; Up to 1 hour: £3; Up to 2 hours: £4.50; Up to 3 hours: £6; Up to 4 hours: £7.50; Up to 10 hours: £15

The new rates starting from July 1 will be:

Up to 30 minutes: £0.80; Up to 1 hour: £1.50; Up to 2 hours: £2.30; Up to 3 hours: £3.30 Up to 4 hours: £5.30; Up to 10 hours: £9

Dorset Council says the basis for the trial is for the authority to understand the impact through numbers using the car parks, impact on the highway network, and the financial impact on the council’s budget.

A survey will also be taking place to help gather data on use of the car parks during the trial.

Traders in the two areas expressed their delight at the news.

Beverley Beavis, owner of Custom's House Emporium in West Bay said: "I am absolutely delighted at the good news.

"We have now got to get it out there to the public, we have got to get rid of the stigma of ridiculous parking fees in West Bay.

"I had a customer talking about this, she said she lives in Somerset and had stopped coming down so often because of parking charges, but she said this is good news.

"It is a step in the right direction, West Bay Road car park is the main car park as you come in from Bridport.

"I am delighted that it is the whole of summer, we now need to get the word out to everyone, I will tell as many people as possible."

READ MORE: West Dorset traders hit out at council claim bad weather hurt parking income

Lucy Little, manager of the Snack Shack kiosk in West Bay said: "This can only be a good thing.

Lucy Little, manager of West Bay Snack ShackLucy Little, manager of West Bay Snack Shack (Image: Tom Lawrence)

"The parking prices have had a big impact, a lot of people can't afford to come to West Bay as often, or a few customers who would come during the day chose to come in the evening when parking is free.

Lucy Little, manager of Snack ShackLucy Little, manager of Snack Shack (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

"We close at 3 or 4pm so we miss out on that business.

"It is a great thing, hopefully, the other car parks will follow."

READ MORE: Parking income decline 'due to poor weather affecting visitor numbers' says council

Tom Robinson, owner of Tom's Kitchen in Lyme Regis said: "I think it is fantastic news.

Tom Robinson, owner and chef patron of Tom's Kitchen (centre)Tom Robinson, owner and chef patron of Tom's Kitchen (centre) (Image: Tom Robinson)

"The car parks have been inflating in price at an unsustainable increase.

"From a business perspective, there has been a very positive response.

"We are pleased that we have been listened to and we hope that we can reap the benefits of hopefully more people being able to come to Lyme Regis.

"One of the big issues has been long-stay parking, which has priced people out of the town because it is so expensive, it means people may not stay for a dessert, so I am really chuffed that has been included.

"It feels like they have listened to us and I hope there is a knock-on effect and tourism in Lyme is encouraged."