Tales of Indian mythology will be brought to life at a theatre in rural Dorset.

Storyteller Emily Hennessey and sitar player Sheema Mukherjee will be bringing two shows to Litton Cheney Community Hall on Thursday August 8.

The first show, StoryDen, is aimed at children, taking them on a musical journey through the myths and folktales of India in a bell-tent from 11am to 3pm. Due to limited capacity within the tent, advanced booking is essential.

The duo will then perform Holy Cow!, a show for people aged 14 and over which uses music, dance and comedy to tell Indian stories of liberation, lies, love and life. This will take place on stage in the main hall at 7.30pm.

Tickets and further information are available from 01308 482514 or on the Artsreach website: www.artsreach.co.uk