A rogue trader has defrauded an elderly resident in Lyme Regis. 

At around midday on Tuesday, June 12, a group of men cold called on the resident asking if they would like their hedge cut back.

They reportedly claimed to have worked on other gardens in the area.

The person paid for the work to be done however the men left without completing it.

Bridport Police is urging residents to be vigilant about cold callers who may be trying to scam the public.

A spokesperson said: “Around midday on Tuesday, June 12, an elderly resident of Lyme Regis had a cold caller attend, asking if they would like their hedge cut back, as they were in the area, working on other gardens.

“The resident paid for the work to be done, but it was never completed, as the men just left. No details were left.

“Please be vigilant. If anyone receives any cold calls of people offering to do any work/service that you have no need for, just say no and ask them to leave.

“If you suspect you may need the work done, obtain their details and a quote, with no obligation to conduct the work, then contact other, reputable companies to offer a check and quote, to see what they think.

“You can also contact Trading Standards for advice, but do not accept the offer there and then. If you suspect there may be Rogue Trading offences, please contact us on 101, or online at www.dorset.police.uk./ If you know someone that is being targeted at the time, call us immediately."